Our prefered package for Tvan, Topaz and T4. This kit provides everything less the Starlink dish to give your van or car reliable wifi anywere in Australia.
The included router also has a 5G feature that allows use without Starlink deployed (eligible data plan must be purchased from Telstra/Optus) Telstra sim included in router package.
Suit Starlink Gen2 and Gen3 (select option)
Cable length refers to cable from the van to the dish. Additional cables can be purchased from AtlasRV.
This package includes external IP weatherproof RJ45 connector and 3m cable.
More information - https://www.rvwifi.com.au/products/
RV Wifi_Starlink Power Supply and 5G Router Package (Gen2/Gen3)
$1,385.00 Regular Price
$1,188.33Sale Price